is a hands-on approach to addressing pain and immobility by releasing tight muscles, restricted joints, and scar tissue in order to reduce pain and inflammation and improving mobility and function. It is used to treat headaches, neck and shoulder pain, low back pain, pelvic dysfunction, hip/knee/foot/ankle pain, and arthritis.
are therapeutic needling techniques that use very fine sterilized needles to penetrate the body to help reduce pain, swelling, tight muscles, compressed nerve roots and muscle imbalances. Acupuncture inserts needles into specific points along meridian pathways which have been defined by traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Dry Needling is used for treating chronic pain syndromes that result from musculoskeletal dysfunction.
includes postural correction, muscle balancing, and alignment. Kirsty worked as a personal trainer for nearly 10 years before beginning her career as a physiotherapist, so her knowledge of exercise regimes is very vast and thorough.
Kirsty grew up skiing RED, competed on the World Freeskiing Tour for 4 years, earning many podium finishes including two silver medals at the Worlds in Alaska. From her own personal free-skiing background she created her own women’s freeskiing camps at RED, and coached hundreds of women through her multi-day camps. With her physiotherapy background and expertise in ski instruction and body mechanics, she can provide an invaluable learning experience for her clients.
Kirsty offers private-request, high-end coaching sessions for groups of 1-4 people. Contact Red Fall Line Snowsports to book. Limited availability.